Andean Dawn Alpacas


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Oh my goodness! I have decided that patience is the most important character building quality that alpaca breeding has taught me. Don't misunderstand, I am not a Type A but since childhood I impatiently awaited the opening of gifts. So it goes with all my cria births but . . . Current lesson ~ Patience. Waiting for my girl BGF Arctic Blue Raine to give birth to her precious package Andean Dawn's Amelia, at times, seemed endless. But if patience is a virtue, Amelia is the reward. Watching her mature into the lovely alpaca she is has been a pleasure. Now after 11 plus months of watching Amelia on her maiden voyage to motherhood coming into fruition I am again forced to be patient. I say forced because one literally has no choice, baby comes in it's own time. It seems like I am being teased by adding one day past due date and then another. However, I know my patience will be rewarded again with her fantastic gift because this cria is a merging Amelia's fabulous genetics and Apaca Fun's Super Sonic. So here I am with my cria kit listening to doves coo . . . waiting somewhat . . .impatiently . . . . . . will keep you posted!