Andean Dawn Alpacas


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Patience Rewarded

For our country the utterance September 11th will first bring memories of sadness and disbelief and anger. The road back to normalcy has been difficult for many and the memory of the images will fade but never leave. On this day of remembrance Andean Dawn Alpacas was blessed with a stunning cria whose name is Sonic Blue. She is a granddaughter of Snowmass Arctic Blue and a daughter of A Paca Fun's Super Sonic. She is a gift of personality, energy and stupendous fiber. Color? It is hard to say. Behind the tips and in the right light she looks like Arctic Blue but time will tell. Her maiden mom, Andean Dawn's Amelia, is doing everything right for her little one including passing on incredible fiber. This season has granted beautiful healthy gifts. Patience has been rewarded and I am content.